The Rio de Janeiro city has lost a great deal of its architecture and identity in the last two hundred years. Nowadays we just see some relics, usually hidden by large buildings and a nervous traffic, which belong to a beautiful history and a time that many of us cannot imagine have existed.
Great part of my artistic production is related to landscapes of Rio de Janeiro city. For a long time I was a member of a plein-air painting group whose one of its main purposes was to register reminiscent landscapes from our old architectonic history. Although I had tried to isolate the surrounding modernity, there exist a lot of details that my mind, in place, was not able to restore.
The idea of this series of paintings is to use our historical documents and make a trip back in time. I find important to mention that these paintings are not copies or just photos reproductions. A detailed description how these paintings were done can be seen in the Section 7.3 of my book (in portuguese)