Solo Exhibitions
- Banco do Brasil Section for the Arts - Jardim
Guanabara Agency (1995)
- Manjericão Restaurant Section for the Arts
- Teresópolis (1996)
- Manjericão Restaurant Section for the Arts
- Teresópolis (1997)
- Manjericão Restaurant Section for the Arts
- Teresópolis (2000)
- Mokiti Okada Section for the Arts (2002)
- Tijuca Tennis Club Section for the Arts (2002)
- Today we still see Rio in the past
- Caixa Cultural Group (2002)
- Quantum Impressionism
- Furnas Arts Center (2004)
- Contemporary
Impressionism - São Gonçalo Art
Foundation (2005)
- AME/RJ Section for the Arts (2009)